Monday, June 14, 2010


Authentic living is living that really works for you and your family.It is partially about letting go of the pressure to live out the life that really isn't me or my family. This also involves creating a home that doesn't necessarily look like the cover of a magazine or have the newest colours or interior fashions. But one that nurtures ones family and is a welcoming comfortable oasis for family and good friends........I place that you can always go to, to escape from the craziness of the out side world.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The procrastinating antiquer

It's raining and I should be out treasure hunting for some antique furniture clients have asked for . But even this shopanista gets visual over load once in a while and needs to just look at a blank computer screen. So here I am in my jammies writing about nothing. Lets see........This morning started at 5:00 am as usual for the spring and summer months................I washed the floors, cleaned a couple of toilets with a brand new toilet bowl brush ....How Glam!!!.....Oh swish!!!!sorted out some collectibles in the basement that I will be flogging at the end of our driveway this Friday 3 -7 pm. ....Now I know why I am writing!!!!!!!......I will shamelessly promote my treasure sale at the end of the farm lane this Friday. "For all you cottagers and treasure hunters heading north it is worth a stop by. Lots of great goodies from our furniture hospital and lots of funky ,quirky stuff for your dad for fathers day . No neck ties this year!!!...""" We aren't having any more big barn sales . It's great fun . But way to many people on the farm at one time .WE counted approx 75 cars at one point at our last Oct sale.Picnic baskets ,People taking pics of the cat,horses and dogs. Never Knew our pets were such posers!!!! .When did our farm become a petting zoo??We were glad to see everyone enjoying themselves. But David was worried about some one hurting them self and suing our granny panties off!!! Makes sense. So I will be heading down to the end of the lane way this Friday to offer a cornucopia of treasures you can't pass by. It's quite funny I have come full circle. Years ago when we first moved to the farm (1993)I used to head down to the end of a the driveway with a hay wagon and truck full of treasures . I am right back doing it again except no hay wagon. What's wrong with this picture. Must call our farmer. ! Any whoo ! Must go shower and than to the dentist for 2 root canals.......... Yum!!! or should I say ouch!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The flattering glo of the flame of an oil lamp

Did you know that Sophia Lauren always requests to eat by either candlelight or oil lamp light. She is smart because she knows the soft light is the most flattering for a women's face.The light it self is so relaxing.... It softens the look of wrinkles and gives you a youthful glow.............. A little bit of vino also does the same thing..But that is a whole different Blog.........Here is a little background about oil lamps.....................Electricity is a wonderful convenience.But people lived with out it since God created the earth.Until Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb in 1879. Before then oil lamps were the main source of light at night and dark places.People had plenty of light since there was an abundance of oil. My suggestion to you is try eating dinner or sitting out on your back porch at night this summer with an oi lamp on. The hurricane glass will protect the flame from being blown out by a breeze . Antique oil lamps are the best in my opinion.They are so well made and usually just need a new wick if anything.Also they are much more beautiful to look at than the new cheap ,Chinese version of oil lamps . So ladies give it go . I have attached a pic of part of a collection of oil lamps that I have. I use them all and I am always looking for unusual ones I can add to my collection. I have sold and given away a number over the years and everyone who has received and used theirs has loved it ..............

Monday, May 31, 2010

Having to much fun no time to blog

So here I am sitting by my computer. Feeling badly I haven't had time to blog.......... I have been working hard and enjoying every nimute of it . I promised in my last blog I would update you about all the fun I had treasure hunting in Florida.A Real Quick summary to get up to date. I saw a lot of blue haired old ladies ,Bottled blonde old ladies wanting to be young ,including me..many scruffy old sailors........... alot of old nautical stuff, furniture, china . lots of garage sales and antique malls........drove from the top of Florida to the tip (Key west ) The common thread I saw everywhere were people enjoying themselves and enjoying not being in the cold Great white north.......I love Canada It will always be my home and I am so grateful to be a Canadian. But snow birds have the right idea.......I am only 47 so have started a new categorie for us younger set of winter Floridians( Canadian Geese) I Will blog soon ! Must go out and paint some shelving for my new booth at the Queensville Antique Mall.........Woodbine north of Doane rd. The mall looks so scruffy from the outside . But it has some real treasures inside.It is wortha look.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ships ahoy

An ode to good friends......... Do you have a Friend that you never get tired of ,who makes you laugh at the smallest of things . Who likes you for all your quirkiness...... and a friend that you know will always be there if you needed her. A friend who is gorgeous but doesn't know it and has a heart of angel. /But do you have a a fiend that will carry your very heavy Captains wheel for you with out the captain attached...............We bought this fabulous antique ships wheel in Florida. Very rare and I had to have it!!!!!We had help getting into our car. But how in the world would we get it in to our condo. I stressed the whole drive back on how to get it up into our place. We arrived back at Sea Towers . I figured the best bet was to carry it in one of the grocery carts they had in the building. I couldn't get it in the cart .Waaaaaaaaaay to heavy. So my friend Karen said ,"Open the back door to the building." She proceeded to lift the heavy wheel out of the trunk and off we went. We laughed so much that I have know idea how Karen didn't drop our new find along the way . (Thanks for saving my poor back!) The Wheel will be joining other found treasures in North 44's new booth at The Queensville antique Mall

Ships ahoy!!